jeudi 27 mai 2010

The workplace !

The crazy office !

My -messy- place

and Dany's right behind
Projects !


Kitcheeeen !

samedi 22 mai 2010

The Flat !

My room
The view out of my room window
The kitchen

The entrance / corridor

Room again :)

The adventure continues + Amsterdam

I write this tiny article with once more a bullet timed list because it's so boring to use traditional sentences...

Wednesday morning (early !!) - I leave Gaelles with all my stuff to go to my new flat. I have to be there at like 7:30. I am actually going to be just in time waiting at the South station except that I'm just realising 10 minutes later that I took the wrong train...

I arrive 20 minutes late at the flat and no one's there !! And of course, my french phone just doesn't work anymore :)

So my only solution is to go to work and leave all my bags and stuff under my desk !

Wednesday 10:00AM - Dany my colleague and mate (the other intern) just laugh pointing at me and accept that I sleep at his place for the night ! But the good news are coming once more and I get a call for a car sharing leaving Frankfurt at 6:00AM Thursday.

Wednesday afternoon - We work together on an Art Project with Dany directly in a Museum or sort of Art Room with a dance stage, pictures and screens. We're basically installing a Light installation with the very Desktop Lamps we use at the office (especially gathered for the occasion)

Wednesday night - I have packed a tiny bag for my Amsterdam trip ! And we begin to drink some wine -> vodka -> jürgermeister.. and just decide to go out for the night !

Thursday 5 AM - We are still dancing in this nice but tiny place with both some idiots and very nice music !! I did just check the DJ all night long for some La Roux, Justice, Data... :)
The club is named "die Keller" -the cave- and is definitely worth to know !

Thursday 5:30 AM - The club is closing and after a glance at my watch, I just realize I have to run and take the first metro to be in time at the meeting for the car sharing !!

Thursday - I smell terrible: party, cigarettes, alcool.. and I arrive in point for the car sharing with René from Switzerland, his girlfriend, and Cat., an american travesti in Germany since 8 years, sitting just next to me ! :) Original and unwaited journey !

We reach Amsterdam very fast (René just drives at 200 km/h -true story-) and I am left in an unknown area with no phone, no map, and the remains of the party ! :)

I finally go to Anne's home after an hour of Hot chocolate/Internet research in a theater/Tram/buy a Map...

Sunday - I am not going into details but the weekend has just been so awesome ! Many parties with Anne's friends, a lot of new people, so friendly and funny !!
Once more I almost missed my bus back to Frankfurt ! Fortunately he left 15 minutes later than the predicted time :)

Sunday 23:00 - After 8 Hours of Eurolines (Bus) which is really great with somes movies in Hungarian - English subtitled. I arrive in Frankfurt with no place to sleep -> I go once more at Dany's place and read in my mails that my new appointment for the flat is set to Tuesday 7:00 PM ! :)

Monday 22:00 - After some skating session, we just have dinner with Dany and his two flatmates which are great and funny as well. Some Gnocchi, red wine, Over good sauce ! :)

Wait for the next post to see my Flat !

mardi 11 mai 2010

The fatality of the blog !

Je vais écrire ce message en français, pour des raisons de pur et simple copier coller de ce que je viens de raconter à l'ami Paul-Marie (alias Marie-Paul pour les intimes)...
C'est l'histoire d'une journée où d'un coup il y a plein de mauvaises nouvelles qui tombent :-)

Jugez plutôt:

Lundi soir:
- Je viens de visiter la colloc du futu avec 8 collocs, une cave a tonus, un bar a la maison, un sound system de fou, des biAtchs
- Je me prépare pour partir Jeudi a Amsterdam retrouver tous les mineurs pour 30€ en covoit'
- et j'apprend qu'il suffit que j'aille faire une déclaration de perte de carte didentité à la police pour refaire un passeport et aller voir Francois à Göteborg dans 3 semaines !

Ce soir:
- Je reçois un message comme quoi c'est mort pour la colloc'
- Pareil pour le covoiturage parce que le gars voulait que je l'appelle ce boloss
*Du coup j'opte pour le train
- J'apprend le soir que Les Mineurs ont eu une couille dans leur organisation de voyage du coup ils vont a Barcelone
- et les flics allemands veulent pas me faire la déclaration =)

Hop :-)
Enfin un peu de piment dans cette vie où tout allait trop bien ! Je commençais à serieusement m'ennuyer...

J'en profite quand même pour raconter ce Lundi soir de folie que j'ai vécu. Comme ça tout est mélangé et seuls les lecteurs assidus et déterminés que vous êtes peuvent suivre !

Donc Lundi soir, deux visites de collocs prévues :
20H -> Je suis perdu

20H15 -> Visite n°1 où j'arrive super à la bourre après m'être perdu 3 ou 4 fois. Je suis très bien accueilli par deux filles super sympas. L'appart' et petit et sans salon, mais le quartier et l'immeuble sont vraiment bucoliques et sympatoches donc je suis content !
Seul HiC pas de meuble --> je vais donc être en mode matelas pendant 4 mois vu que j'aurai beaucoup trop la flemme de me monter un lit (remise en cause de l'utilité d'un tel meuble en mon fort interieur d'ailleurs !)

Il est 20H45 et je suis super large pour arriver à 21H à la deuxième visite

21H20 -> Visite n°2, j'arrive après m'être encastré dans un buisson en vélo en cherchant une cachette pour faire pipi le long du Main (la rivière qui traverse Francfort) !
J'attache gentiment mon vélo à la barrière de l'entrée, et j'entre par la porte semi-ouverte (l'utilisation d'une liste à point a été préconisée pour cause de budget d'écriture):
- 7 collocs qui font tout et n importe quoi au moment où j'arrive
- leurs 20 potes qui gambadent à droite à gauche aussi
- 4 étages
- Une immense salle à manger en mode séminaire
- Une cuisine avec plein de filles qui cuisinent !
- Je monte checker ma chambre au dernier étage qui est trop stylée également avec vue sur cour intérieure & velux de l'ambiance
- on redescend après avoir échangé un peu avec mon hôte: ils font tous du sport dans la maison, apparemment c'est une sorte de club de volley
- Et là c'est le Choc

The cave of the future !
Je débarque dans leur cave de 50m² avec un bar, babyfoot, énorme soundsystem, boule à facettes et plus loin dans le fond, un énorme coin canap' avec vidéoprojection !!

Au final, je reste plus d'une heure à discuter là avec tout le monde (en allemand !!) et le courant passe super bien :) notamment avec l'un des autres candidats pour la colloc' qui s'avère être une fille plutôt jolie et vraiment sympa !

Le problème c'est que c'est surement elle qui m'a pris la place !!!
Et oui, car comme vous l'avez lu au début de ce post, la colloc' m'a gentiment été refusée aujourd'hui dans l'après midi !
--> Gros mail pour gratter l'amitié of course ! et pour pouvoir vous ramener quelques photos de cette magic place !

Du coup fini les mauvaises nouvelles, pour libérer Gaëlle et me fixer enfin un peu, j'ai appelé les filles de la première visite pour leur confirmer ma venue !!
Résultat: Il es 23H17 à Francfort, j'emménage demain matin à 7H30 avant le boulot

------> Stay tuned !
des news du taff' bientôt

mardi 4 mai 2010

Find a flat before your way !

I am already in Frankfurt since two days and I just have to admit that I don't have any new tracks to find THE FLATSHARING OF THE FUTURE !

So, tomorrow I'm just going to leave those tiny posters directly near the university ! =) Back to the old school style and f*%$! internet !

Concerning my work I just joined a very long and amazing project for the London Science Museum ! We are to develop 5 Games about the Environment and the Climate Change with a whole design installation. But I will tell you more as soon as the company allow me to !

See you soon !

lundi 3 mai 2010

The title of the blog !

Today was my very first day at the workplace, and I think it's time to explain the title of this old fashioned blog =). As you know I am engaging in the tricky field of communication and design through this internship. For the moment, and I deeply believe in it right now, I think this kind of Studio/Company suits perfectly my expectations for the future.

These 4 months will certainly help me to find out what I really want :-)

Just one tiny paragraph about my first day -and I will definitely try to keep the blog active with not big but numerous posts each day-. My idea is just not to forget the tiny details and its too dangerous for them to sum up the whole week in a big post on sundays !

My first impression is more than good ! All my colleagues look really amazing and full of interesting skills and experience ! The general atmosphere is very friendly and gives a lot of place to creativity and self responsibility. The other interns are really helpful as well, especially my front neighbour -Daniel-, whom I'm apparrently going to spend a lot of time with, in concerts or skateboarding :-).
One little drawback is still linked to communication. Of course the language barrier is still a bit hard to take over and I face some difficulties to understand and to be understood.
But in the end, even if it wasn't expected my photograph job of today was exciting - I had to make some communication materials for a reactive table one of my colleagues built -.

I'm actually proud of my "clichés" =)

dimanche 2 mai 2010

The arrival !

After 8 hours of train and some S-Bahn (a mix between tram & metro), I arrived in the station of Frankfurt-Süd where I met my local contact -who I had never seen before- , Gaelle, a french friend of my sister, working in Frankfurt since 2 years now.

I am actually staying at Gaelle's home for the next few days before I find the "WG der ZuKuNFt !!" - some crazy flatmates :-).

And it has been so a nice surprise to see Gaelle's enthusiasm. In only one hour I have seen more than what I would have discovered myself in a month. Gaelle just smiles all the time and is more than helpful for me and my backpack !
And Frankfurt appears to be a really nice town to live in finally !! I will tell you more with some photographs in the week !

Stay tuned for the WG comparison post with some fancy details :)

First unexpected vibrations !

This is the very first post on this blog which I will try to update as soon as I have a new amazing story to tell. My will is basically to keep my relatives and friends aware of what I do, but also, not to forget any details of this nice experience.

First interesting story:

Today I moved from Clermont-Fd (FRA) to Frankfurt (GER) for the next 4 months. Unfortunately, I have lost my ID two weeks ago and had no time to get it back before I leave.
For the first time in my whole life, as I was sleeping in the German train, having the most beautiful dream ever, 3 policemen woke me up asking me and my neighbours to show off our Visas...
At this precise moment, I thought I was going to solve my accomodation problem with an invitation in the Frankfurt jail for my first night.

But they started to check a group of Korean tourists before with all the communication problems involved. One of the policemen continued through the other passengers until my neighbour, who was -thank God !- Canadian, and had -really thank you !- a 1 month-outdated passport.

After 10 minutes of discussion in Englogerman, they just forgot to ask me my ID and left the car.

I spent the next two hours speaking and laughing with Andrew, the Canadian 20 year old guy.